...That Humphrey Bogart never said “Play it again, Sam” in the movie Casablanca? In fact...nobody said it. Ingrid Bergman did say “Play it Sam,” but that’s as close as it ever got to the famous line nobody ever actually said.

...That Sherlock Holmes never said “Elementary, my dear Watson" in any of Arthur Doyle’s four novels and 56 short stories of the famous detective? As close as he ever got was simply saying “Elementary” in the novel “The Crooked Man.” In the movie, produced years later, the line “Elementary, my dear Watson" is spoken but was never written in any of the Sherlock Holmes novels.

...That actor Cary Grant never said “Judy, Judy, Judy” in the 1939 classic film noire Only Angels Have Wings? He did say “Hello Judy,” “Come on Judy,” and “Now Judy,” but creative license has been taken with the literal spoken words in the years since.