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Writer's pictureRick Titus


Having worked at several enthusiast automotive magazine of the course of my career, I’ve sat in a great number of editorial meetings where the topic of “Best Car Ever Produced” comes up...Great question, to which is there no answer: Best Car Ever to whom? You simply can’t make one size fit all. Sorry.

People buy, love and enjoy all manner of vehicles for different reasons, and to them what they have, or aspire to have, is the “Best Car Ever.” Damn few in the amazing field of choices can be compared on a beta of fairness. For instance, to ask a pickup, SUV or full-size Sedan to compete on performance to a Porsche, Corvette or Mustang? Yet each of these are likely in the hands of owners who truly believe they have the Best Car Ever. 

Tests like these sell magazines, though if we’re being honest, there’s no way to reach a fair delta. Vehicles, like people, are a clear case of no two being alike. So remember, when you buy an issue of one of these compare tests, buy it for the entertainment value and not the results.

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