...That Washington DC would have us believing that all of America is ready to switch to fully electric vehicles? We say HOLD ON. Yes, EVs have gained a lot of footprint, but neither the CNG, Fuel Cell or even the ICE folks are ready to fold up their tent stacks and call it a day. The fuel cell crowd (who by recent appearances or more accurately, the last of it) is still alive and well and continuing to put messages out that their power system is about to garner great notice; we’ll see. CNG has always viable but its range has been limited to less than even early electric vehicles. This tank size is the big (or should we say small) issue. CNG tanks take up a lot of space, but yet again the power system says it can combat that with some new break throughs. Even more surprising is the Internal Combustion Engine camp saying “hold up, we ain’t done." They too are claiming that there are breakthroughs that make it cheaper and cleaner to produce and operate on gasoline. Who’s right, and who’s wrong? Stay tuned...the next few months just might hold some truly big surprises.
...That tulips did not originate in Holland? Tulips are from Asia, northern Africa and the eastern Mediterranean.
...That icebergs are not frozen ocean water? Icebergs are actually frozen snow that’s been compressed over thousands of years.
...Bats are not blind? Most of them just don’t see real well. Some do navigate by sight, but most bats navigate by echolocation, not radar as long suspected. They make high-frequency squeaks and use echoes to pinpoint locations.